built in 1256
established in 2001
It is with great pleasure and a profound sense of pride, that we welcome guests to B&B Sei Stelle in the heart of the ancient city of Sulmona. This venture brings me and my family full circle back to where we began. The name “Sei Stelle” or Six Stars, is taken from our family crest that is carved in stone above the main entrance. The name has sentimental meaning for us as well and is in line with the philosophy that whatever you do in life merits that you invest part of yourself. For us, this is natural when it comes to this property and to this city. Sulmona, once my home as a young boy, is again my home for part of the year. Living between the great city of Boston and the ancient city of Sulmona combines the best of two worlds. It has afforded me the chance to remain connected with the culinary traditions of Italy in a very direct and authentic manner. It has also given me the precious opportunity to share my heritage and culture with my children, not as visitors, but as residents.
Filippo Frattaroli
Filmark Hospitality Group
Boston, Massachusetts